a celebration of the NCAA tourney and the best 4 days of the year


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ants on a log.

It was snack time in West Philly. And what better way to fill the belly then with a great snack known as ants on a log. If you didn't have these in your childhood, you totally missed out. Its simple. Celery+ Peanut Butter + Raisins= Ants on a log. Don't ask where the idea to make these came from, just be jealous you're not eating one right now. Delicious. 

And way more entertaining than the 2 games currently going on.


  1. well done, and you're right i wish i had some to eat right now.

    I just got some coffee and a vitamin water, dragonfruit Power C, I'm hoping it gives me a little something special for these next round of games.

    After that I might see how Miller lite tastes, what do you think? good idas? Bad Idea? (commence chanting)

  2. Good idea bad idea. and you guys are slacking heavily on the amount of posts today. Suck it up.

  3. By the way, the raptors mascot clip is one of the best things that has happened in my life.
