Ok, so since there's a slight lull in some of the current action, I've decided to focus on the lamest player in all of college basketball this season. I was hoping to save conversation about him until Syracuse plays tomorrow, but this guy just sucks. Everything about him just makes you want to punch him in the face. That, and he actually hit a girl in the face on campus this year. And somehow, he is still on the team. This did prompt one of the best student body lead chant I've heard all year- the Pittsburgh fans chanting "You hit a girl, You hit a girl" anytime he touched the ball. Cheers, Eric Douche-endorf.
The worst part about him is that he just set the Big East tournament scoring record...which means that every year for the next ten years or so, we'll have to be reminded that this guy exists...and was pretty good. Damn it.
ReplyDeleteWhats even worse is that I work with a guy who loves the "cuse" and they ("cuse" fans) love this fucker and don't even care that he beat his girlfriend, stole his moms car, and funded terrorism from his "off-campus" apartment, and personally elected george w bush to two terms in office. douche.
ReplyDeleteI can support Scott's statement. At the Pitt-Cuse game some college aged Syracuse fans got seats in the overflow student seating section which is right beside my seats and brought a sign that said, "We're gonna beat PITT like Devo beats his women." Then the sign had a cut out of Devo flexing after a made basket. It was extremely lame.
ReplyDeleteNot extremely lame was the hilarity that ensued when these two guys started talking shit to the Pitt students with relative success until they picked on a row of 6 frat guy looking dudes who immediately offered to go outside, "I don't even care if I see the fucking game! I'll go right fucking now to bust your face open!", was one of the better remarks heard from the Pitt loyalists. The Cuse guys quickly shut up while the Pitt guys continued to taunt them all game. Highlight of the season for me.
Also, one of the most annoying people I have ever known is a Cuse fan so theres that.